As of 2021, the most striking innovation at the winery, apart from a certain capacity increase, can be considered the investment made entirely in ‘renewable solar energy’. The information provided by founder Selim Zafer Ellialtı regarding the completion of the project is as follows: “We are experiencing the excitement and pride of being able to realize the dream we established as a team in the face of changing climate conditions and global warming.
In our world where our natural resources are rapidly depleting due to increasing production and consumption frenzy and it is becoming difficult to compensate for the depleted resources, we have signed a ‘Renewable Energy’ project that we are proud of in the field of ‘Environmental Sustainability’. We started to get all the energy of our winery – production complex from the sun. We leaned our back on the sun. In our project, approximately 1100 DC 450 Wp solar panels were used on our usable roof area of approximately 3000 m2.
Our total maximum power was AC 378 kW. We will meet approximately 71% of our total electrical energy consumption from solar panels. “We will be able to sell back to the state the excess of our immediate needs during daily production. In this way, we will save 2,174 trees annually and prevent 333,490 tons of carbon emissions annually.”

Nature-Friendly Understanding
Another important environmentally friendly investment of the winery is the renewed wastewater management depending on the increased capacity. The wastewater formed after processing is purified by preserving its various chemical, physical, bacteriological and ecological properties and removing the polluting elements of the water, thus making it harmless to nature and the environment. The purification process is carried out by chemical, physical or biological means with the purification plant with a capacity of 100 tons/day, which includes all the processes. The processes include a preliminary sedimentation pool, chemical and biological purification units, aeration pool, final sedimentation pool, sludge dewatering (filter press) units. As a result of the purification, the wastewater is brought to a state that is suitable for the parameters of the receiving environment to which it is discharged and does not change its physical, chemical, bacteriological and ecological properties.
Upcycling in Suvla- Carpentry
Upcycling refers to providing benefits by reusing items whose useful life has expired. This is where upcycling creates something new for another purpose by repairing or refurbishing discarded items. It also means to recycle or reuse in a way that increases the value of the original object. The difference between the upcycling approach and recycling is actually hidden within it. In recycling, used products return to their original state, and in upcycling applications, used products are used as new materials.
At this point, in the Carpenter’s Workshop at our Suvla Winery, the 100*120 cm bottle pallets arriving for bottling are not thrown away, but are converted into 80*120 cm pallets to be used in domestic shipments. In this way, sustainability is contributed to by upcycling techniques.
Additionally, in January-February-March, the “Rejuvenation” action carried out for the healthy development of olive trees includes pruning, and the thick woods resulting from pruning are transformed into materials such as cheese plates, coasters and bottle necks with the upcycling technique and are exhibited both in our restaurants and concept stores.